Savina Thompson, Psychic MediumBy Lynda Forman

The moon – we look up at it and we can see that it’s watching over the night.  And while we might remember from science class that it is also in charge of the tides, can the moon also have an impact on the way we live?

Energy Levels

If you think back over your month, you’ll realize there were certain days when you were more excited to do things and other days when you were less than thrilled to complete tasks.  Was this because of the strength of the moon?  Some people say that they are more excited about their lives and their choices around the full moon, while others are less than enthusiastic around the new moon, or when the moon is completely dark.  The energy of the moon’s pull is certainly a compelling idea when it comes to scheduling things from weight loss plans, smoking cessation strategies, and other large life choices.

According to some, the full moon is a time of the most energy, while the new moon is the time for the most potential of energy, growing as the size of the moon’s light grows in the sky.  As the moon begins to darken, some feel as though they are more introspective, and more interested in thinking than taking action.

Menstrual Cycles

The cycle of a woman’s period is supposed to be around 28 days, which is the same period of time in which the moon changes from full to new and back again.  Some studies have shown that many women are more likely to have their periods around the start of the full moon, with their period ending about a week later, and the new moon being the approximate time of the most fertility.  While this is certainly not true for every woman, and the cycle of a woman can vary depending on childbirth, stress, weight, and age, the moon and the menstruation cycle seem to have some correlation.

Choices We Make

While there might not be an absolute answer to whether the moon is affecting our lives and our choices, the moon phases offer a perspective as to how we might think about each month.

•  New Moon – A time for new ideas and new ventures.
•  Waxing Moon – A time to take steps and to take action.
•  Full Moon – A time to be grateful for the fruits of action.
•  Waning Moon – A time for introspection and a time for thinking about  what else you want to bring into your life.

A good solution to the question of whether you are affected by moon phases is to keep a diary of your energy levels, moods, cycles, etc. during the course of the lunar month.  Then compare those notes with the actual moon cycles to see what might be a trend for you.  You may just find that there are perfect times of the month for you to start an endeavor, to rest, or to celebrate your success.