Photo by Jessica Ruscello

Dreamwork: Create a Dream Bundle for Insight

By Lynda Forman

 When you close your eyes in bed, you might not think about the dreams you’re about to experience. But when you wake up with an idea or an image from a dream, that’s when the power of dreams hits you. You might have a flash of insight, a stroke of genius, or just a funny story to tell your friends. No matter what you think of dreams, your dreams are your unconsciousness’ way of telling you a secret. With dream bundles, you can uncover the secrets and bring them into your life as tools and gifts.


The Power of Dreams

 Dreams have the power to change who we are, if we know how to use them. While scientists have tried to figure out where dreams come from, there is little conclusive evidence. All we know is that our dreams are influenced by what we experience during the day, almost as though our dreams are working out the problems we couldn’t quite manage during our waking hours. Dreams contain symbols that might seem to say one thing, but with more reflection, might actually be giving us clues and directions.

Those who begin to track their dreams via a dream journal will find they have dreams that help to give them clarity on the difficult issues in their lives. Simply setting an intention each night to remember your dreams is a good start. But having something to anchor you to your dreams – i.e. a dream bundle – you can inspire even more dreams, even more answers, and even more magic into your life.

Filling a Dream Bundle

A dream bundle doesn’t have to be a complicated craft. All you need is a piece of cloth, some string, and some herbs or crystals. If you’re new to creating dream bundles, here is a list of things you can use in order to get certain effects when you place the bundle in your bed:

• Mugwort – This is used in numerous types of dream work. This herb helps to stimulate lucid dreaming.

• Lavender – Often thought of as a soothing herb, some people will find lavender to be stimulating, so use this herb sparingly.

• Chamomile – Calming and reassuring, chamomile works well to bring you into a more contented state before bed.

• Patchouli – If you want to have very vivid dreams or lucid dreams, you will want to try out patchouli.

You can also use other herbs you have available in your kitchen – lemon verbena, mint, etc. Just be sure to use smaller amounts of herbs that are more pungent. You want to be soothed when you sleep, not necessarily made more alert.

Fill the bundle up and then close it off with the string. You can always take the string off and add more herbs or add a favorite crystal.


Working with Your Dreams

In order to use your dream bundle, it’s a good idea to place this under your pillow or in your pillowcase. This will keep the herbs close to you when you sleep, helping to increase your dreaming ability. You will also want to make sure you use this dream bundle every night, as well as keep a journal by your bed. It’s best to write down your dreams as soon as you wake up, right when they’re fresh in your memory. And the more you do this, the more likely you are to remember what you’ve dreamt.

Your dreams are powerful tools, don’t lose them in the morning. With a dream bundle, you can bring more powerful dreams to your life and with a journal, you will remember them.


**Note: Please use caution when using herbs if you have furry friends, as many herbs are toxic to animals. Never leave herbs laying around where an animal can accidentally ingest them.